A Poem for Mom


There’s a warm light that never goes
There’s a warm light and it’s yours,
Even the back of your hand knows
You won’t be able to tell them apart.

I’ve seen it and I’ve seen you,
Your eyes tell me you’ve seen the world
Mistaking you for something less,
And they blinked, and it pains you.

But you can’t really help it, can you?
The moon will miss you when you’re gone,
And everything goes blue and out of tune.
The little sunflowers will start to wonder,

Where’d you go?
All our lives we’ve been
Blooming for you, following you,
Can’t you do something about it?
After all, you’re so much more.

There’s a warm light that never goes,
There’s a warm light but it hurts
When the world turn their heads from you,
The back of your hand aches for you.

I’ve seen you and I’ve never stopped staring.
I’m just like one of those little sunflowers,
My head will tilt wherever you go,
And when the sun sets, I’ll start to wonder,

Where’d you go?
All my life I’ve never
Given up on you, strayed from you,
Even the sun wouldn’t stop shining.
Can’t you do, too?

I’ve seen you and I’ve never stopped looking.
Maybe one day I’ll have my own
Little sunflowers following me, following you
And until then, don’t leave us wonder,

Where’d you go?
All my life you’ve shown me
To never give up, to never run
Just as the sun wouldn’t stop shining
I know you wouldn’t, too.


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